Why I started the blog

I started the blog to help myself keep up my newly-won photo interest.  I‘m a  happy amateur who  wants to take better Pictures and by “better” I don’t mean more technical.  I mean finding new angles or funny details… because… I mean… these Pictures will not bring any joy to the people: 

Älg i trädgård
Elk in garden


Två älgar på gärde
Two elks in twilight

nor will these:

Hästrumpor på grönbete
Horse butts in a meadow

or my personal favorite:


So, how did I start my “improve-my-photographer-skills-mission”?

1. I went to the camera store  and bought myself  a new shiny camera.  With tons of self-esteem and new digital technology in bag, I went to the capital for a spontaneous and creative photo session.

Came home with these beauties:

Motljus vid lyktstolpe
Backlit lamppost


Under en bro i Stockholm
Under a bridge in Stockholm

(NOTE: This was a selection from 200 images (of same quality) I took during my artistic power walk in Stockholm.)


2. I started a blog.

Welcome to Ullis’ Instaology!

73 thoughts on “Why I started the blog

  1. … and we are lucky that you have decided to start your rich and funny blog, Ullis! It is much more than photos! Thanks so much, my friend!!! 🙂

  2. Keep at it Ulle- horse butts almost follows the rule of thirds , but in your case it’s the rule of halves.
    The other ‘Gem’ was your post – fibre in the Danish – FUNNY!

  3. Ullis,
    I love your photographs! You have a good eye and I love your sense of humor.
    Good luck!
    ~ ellen

  4. I love your honesty Ullis! The naif and humorist way you describe your start made me laugh but laugh with admiration, not the opposite. I can see you have eyes for the detail and that will impact your photos artistic quality whatever it means. Keep walking… but don’t forget your camera 🙂

  5. Hi Ullis, I’m so glad to have found your blog, thanks to the lovely Ellen (http://whiteoakcottagedotcom.wordpress.com/). What a great sense of humour! I can empathize with trying to take better photos without getting caught up in the technicalities of photography. I’m allergic to any mention of f-stops or depth of field or aperture. My camera is permanently set on Automatic mode! I figure I still have enough to learn about taking the shot without worrying about all that other stuff. Maybe one day! Looking forward to following your blog and seeing where your new interest takes you!

    1. Hi Aileen! Automatic mode is the best! On yesterday’s photo walk I realized that I needed to make some kind of technical adjustment to the camera due to the bad light (gray day and dark forest). I had no idea if it was the ISO or any other obscure acronym I was supposed to adjust. My fingers got cold and I almost started to cry. Then I choose an automatic scene selection (autumn colours) and things started to feel better again.
      Thank you for your nice words, take care!

      1. Auto is the only setting to go to (except for sports and maybe a portrait), no time to screw around with all those settings, that just gets in the way of taking an interesting photo. Catch the moment and the idea, you don’t need to set it up.

  6. I love the way you prepared this…so funny! But I can totally relate…I try to post interesting things that I see, whether funny or just odd…they may not be technically beautiful, but it’s the way I see the world around me.

  7. I’ve only just come across your blog and already I look forward to seeing your humorous to heart warming day to day instamoments before I leave for work! Well done on your wonderful blog.

  8. Hello Ullis! I think these are great! I’m so glad to see you took a different path by adding humor in your photography. It is a nice twist! I like it and enjoy it! Keep on doing a great job for it is what you feel and express which makes a world of difference. Bravo!

  9. Not correct to say your pictures will not bring any joy to people… They are very beautiful on its own!

  10. …and I’m glad you created your blog. I love reading about life through others and you are no exception. Greetings to you from Brisbane, Australia.

    1. Thanks! And I agree with you, it’s kind of amazing to read and communicate with people around the world like this. For me Australia is a exotic country – you have summer heat when I’m fighting slush. Take care!

  11. Thanks for stopping by my blog Haiku Hound Ulli. I checked out your blog and really like your spontaneous images especially the elks in the field and at night. I have 2 very good friends in Scandinavia one in Sweden and the other in Finland and they send me lots of elk paraphernalia.

  12. Great fun images. Always remember to throw away the rule book. You will know when you can successfully photograph two white cats playing in snow during a blizzard and clearly show their back teeth that you are making National Geographic class images. Have fun, that’s the name of the photographic game.

  13. Hello Instaology, you found the blog where I write about Photography. Thats great, and you can be sure that photography is all I ever discuss.
    Now that I know about you I will wander your blog to view the photographs you post and read what you have to say about them.
    Nice to be in contact.

  14. Love your banner photo with the buried bike, nice find and treatment. Yes with your new camera and knowledge your photography did improve. But nothing gives you an eye… you have a good one.

  15. Jättebra foton du tar. Amatörfotograf är nog inte rätt beskrivning, du kan mycket och tar bra foton. 🙂 Hobbyfotograf skulle jag kalla dig, eftersom du inte jobbar med det. Man lär sig massor med tiden. 🙂

  16. Good Morning
    My english is not really good. So forgive me !!
    Your pictures is very originals and talk to me.
    I like your “regard”(I don’t know this word in english)
    Thank you very much et have a good day!

    Eric from Besançon (France)

  17. Love your sense of humor . . . and your photos! I’ve been trying to take good pics for about 5 years now, but still have much to learn. Thanks for following Oh, the Places We See. We’re looking forward to seeing more of what a great Swedish photographer posts!

  18. My dear, Ullis, I found this a delightfully funny read while I was enjoying your new found love for photography too! This was a joy. Watch out world, I think the world of photography is in for a real treat. 😀

  19. I haven’t had time to look at any blog posts yet, just this “Why I Started the Blog” but based on this I know I’ll want to at least read more of what you have, despite the sample photos found her. 🙂

  20. Ullis, Thanks so much for the follow ion my humble blog, greatly appreciated and hope to see you around some more. I’ve just landed here so let me go for a wander around your site. Above all have fun, MM🍀

  21. You might be surprised to know that your pictures do bring joy to people. But its important to take photos of things you like rather than things you think others will like.

  22. I love to connect with artist such as myself. You have a beautiful spirit, my indigo sister.

      1. Yes a lot of people have told me they have visited your blog and enjoyed your work. I hope you enjoyed reading the stories. Most seem to be ‘stairways to heaven’ and doomsday. Mine was a stairway somewhere else.

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